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MARCH 1-2, 2025


Empowering Multilingual Classrooms

ELLSA 2025 @ ISB

​Thank you for your interest in attending the ELLSA 2025 conference. We are thrilled to host the 9th annual ELLSA conference for the first time in China, at the International School of Beijing on March 1-2, 2025.

Theme: Empowering Multilingual Classrooms

Activating Thinking and Growing Academic Language

Collaborating in Teaching and Learning

Leveraging Translanguaging Pedagogies

What is ELLSA?
English Language Learning Specialists in Asia (ELLSA) was established in 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand, by a group of educators from NIST International School. ELLSA aims to create a space for teachers to share best practices for multilingual learners in Asia. Over the years, it has grown into a dynamic community with a mission to advocate for equitable practices for multilingual learners.

2024 ELLSA

in Numbers


268 attendees

14 countries

65 schools

30 speakers

2 keynotes

3 featured speakers

Why Attend ELLSA?

Open to all, ELLSA is a special event on the professional development calendar for English language learning specialists, offering in-depth professional learning on all-things-EAL.

ELLSA conferences have welcomed researchers, authors, and experts in language acquisition and multilingual learning as keynote speakers. Past keynotes have included:


  • Dr. Virginia Rojas

  • Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld

  • Dr. Pauline Gibbons

  • Beth Skelton

  • Tan Huynh

  • Jon Nordmeyer

And of course, the highlight of every conference are workshop sessions facilitated by teacher practitioners from international schools around the region, keeping ELLSA what it is truly meant to be – created for teachers by teachers.

We look forward to once again providing a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from past conferences, create new connections, and gain valuable and practical insights that will move our profession forward.


Welcome to Beijing!



Dr. Kate Seltzer

Dr. Kate Seltzer is an Associate Professor of Bilingual and ESL Education at Rowan University. She is co-author of the book, The Translanguaging Classroom: Leveraging Student Bilingualism for Learning as well as many book chapters and articles in journals such as Research in the Teaching of English, TESOL Quarterly, and Teaching and Teacher Education.

Jon Nordemeyer

We are thankful to Jon Nordmeyer from Multilingual Learning Research Center for his ongoing partnership with ELLSA. Stay tuned to learn more about his presentations featuring MLRC research.

Dr. Ying Chu, ISB Head of Dual Language

Dr. Ying Chu is the Head of the Dual Language Program at the International School of Beijing. A seasoned research practitioner and innovative educational program leader, Dr. Chu specializes in asset-based bilingual program implementation and evaluation, along with expertise in culturally and linguistically responsive practices. She holds a Master of Arts from Teachers College, Columbia University, and earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Southern California. With over a decade of experience in instruction, research, and leadership roles at reputable international schools in the region and renowned institutions in New York City, Dr. Chu is dedicated to exploring and expanding thinking, blending theory with practice, and fostering a culture of transformational change and continuous improvement in international schools. 


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